

How to Easily Add Multiple Contacts in ‪#‎WhatsApp‬?

How to Add Multiple Contacts in #WhatsApp‬?
How to Use Broadcast in WhatsApp?

Here is a simple step-by-step guide to the above queries.

1. Create an excel sheet of ur contacts according to the Google Contacts (https://support.google.com/mail/answer/12119)
2. Upload it to your Google Contacts
3. Sync with your mobile
4. Create broadcasting groups and add (256) in each groups depending on number of groups created
5. Choose “New Broadcast” from the upper right menu
6. Click on +Sign and select 1 by 1
7. Click on “Done” in the upper right corner
8. Click on the “Create” button and later change the name of the Broadcasting group
9. Shoot msgs at your easeUse Web Whatsapp after creating a Broadcasting group